
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Beating your sugar addiction

It's true! Sugar is addictive like cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol.
Having a sweet tooth is not a bad thing as small conversions in your diet can allow you to eat sweet, without the sugar.
People who are sugar addicted make a habit of e.g. Ice Cream everyday at 3pm, 2 sugars in the coffee, chocolate biscuits as morning tea, white bread at lunch time.... The average Australian consumes 20 teaspoons of sugar a day without adding sugar to the diet. This is a massive figure. I count my consumption daily and I rarely exceed 5g of sugars per day.

So how do you break free from addiction?
1. Cold Turkey. You will suffer brain fog and headaches for a few days but eventually breakfree. This will be particularly hard for those who snack on sugary sweets at certain times of the day, so a plan must be made to avoid and get through these hard times.

2. Gradually cut down over a short period of time. Add sweeteners to your shopping list, cut sugar out of your tea and baking goods, convert from White bread to a brown or Rye bread, drink red wines instead if white, sugar free drinks preferred or just plain water for consumption.

3. Learn to read labels. Look at the per 100g panel and avoid items that have more than 5g sugar or 10g total carbohydrates. This will be your most handy tip.

Mine was an overnight realisation; it was a quick decision that I made and it was right for me. A lot depends on your personality. For me, it was mind over matter. I'm a disciplined person, so it worked, and it was a quicker process than gradually trying to give up.

Sugar really is the cause of a lot of health issues. It really is an easy habit to kick.....

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